Jan Smets

Jan Smets was born in Tongeren in 1975 and started his musical studies on the euphonium, with Argo Penné, at the Tongeren music academy. He was laureate of many competitions from a young age.

In 1990, he was voted ‘brass player of the year’ at Jong Tenuto. In 1991, he switched to the tenor trombone. In 1993, he started his studies at the Lemmens Institute in Louvain with Michel Tilkin, where he gained the diploma ‘Master in Music’ summa cum laude.

After a short spell as a solo trombonist with the Flemish Radio Orchestra, he succeeded as solo trombonist with the orchestra of the Brussels Muntschouwburg in 1997 where he still works today. Jan is a popular soloist in the world of HaFaBra and has, for example, created the second trombone concert of Johan Evenepoel.

As chamber musician, he plays in the brass quintet of de Munt, the Prometheus Ensemble, I Solisti del Vento, the Ottone brass quintet and the brass band Gabriëli, with whom he released various CD projects. Jan is co-founder of Belgian Brass with whom he, together with Epsilon Brass, Spanish Brass, Penta Brass and Mnozil Brass, formed part of Eurobrass in August 2010.

Since December 2001, he has been trombone lecturer at the Antwerp School of Music. Jan has also offered his freelance services as trombonist at the Collegium Instrumentale Brugense, the Beethoven Academy, I Fiamminghi, and the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Bernard Haitink and Valiery Gergiev.

Jan is co-founder of The Bone Project.


Royal opera house

La monaie brussels

De Munt, ons internationaal vermaard federaal operahuis in de hoofdstad van Europa. Met zijn meer dan 300 jaar oude geschiedenis, het oudste operahuis van Europa waar vernieuwing en innovatie van het opera-maken nog steeds deel uitmaakt van de hoofdzaken.


Royal opera house


La Monnaie, our internationally renowned opera house in the federal capital of Europe. With over 300 years of history, the oldest opera house in Europe where innovation of the opera still make part of the main.


Royal conservatory


AP, Artesis Plantijn school of Arts te Antwerpen waaronder het Koninklijk Vlaams conservatorium resideert. Een conservatorium met een unieke setting waar muziek, drama, dans en beeldende kunst samengebracht worden onder 1 dak.


Royal conservatory


AP, Artesis Plantin School of Arts in Antwerp including the Royal Flemish Conservatory resides. A conservatory with a unique setting where music, drama, dance and visual arts are brought together under one roof.


Brass ensemble

Belgian brass

Belgian Brass, een dynamisch en polyvalent koperensemble met internationale faam dat door zijn unieke selectie musici alle grenzen van het mogelijke opzoekt met evenwichtig uitgewerkte concepten.


Brass ensemble

Belgian Brass

Belgian Brass, a dynamic and versatile brass ensemble of international renown by its unique selection musicians.


Latin Big Band

Mucho Gusto

Mucho Gusto, een unieke Latino-band die je meeneemt naar de bakermat van de mambo, samba, rumba,salsa, chachacha,… In één groot visueel feest met een mix van 20 Belgische, Cubaanse en Brazilliaanse muzikanten en zangers op het podium.


Latin Big Band

Mucho Gusto

Mucho Gusto, a unique Latino band that takes you to the home of the mambo, samba, rumba, salsa, cha cha cha … One large visual feast with a blend of 20 African, Cuban and Brazilian musicians and singers on stage .


Trombone Kwartet

The Bone Project

The Bone Project, een all-round trombone-ensemble voor een onvergetelijke concertavond, al dan niet op maat gesneden.


Trombone Quartet

The Bone Project

The Bone Project, an all-round trombone ensemble for an unforgettable concert evening.



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